Search Operators

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For every search criterion, it is possible to select the search operator. This tells Harvest how to match the specific value that you provide.

For example, at a text field, the following operators will be available:

It is important to understand how each operator functions to get the exact result that you need:





The field must be an exact match in the full length.

When searching for 'Blessing' at the name of a church, only those churches that are called 'Blessing' would be returned. If a church is called "Blessing from Jesus", it would not show in the results as the name does not match exactly.

Not Equals

The field must not be an exact match in the full length.

When searching for 'Blessing' at the name of a church, all churches that are not called 'Blessing' would be returned. If a church is called "Blessing from Jesus", it would show in the results as the name does not match exactly.


The search value must be contained somewhere in the field.

When searching for 'Blessing' at the name of a church, all churches that have 'Blessing' in their name would be returned. This includes "Blessing", or "Blessing from Jesus", or "Eternal Blessing", but not "Blessed Fountains".

Starts With

The search value must be the start of the field.

When searching for 'Blessing' at the name of a church, all churches that start with 'Blessing' in their name would be returned. This includes "Blessing", or "Blessing from Jesus", but  not "Eternal Blessing" or "Blessed Fountains".

Is Empty

The field must be empty

When applied to the denomination, this would show all churches that have no denomination filled in.

Has a Value

The field must have some value

When applied to the denomination, this would show all churches that have denomination information filled in.


The field value must be in between two search values

Total members must be between 200 and 300 members.

Greater Than

The field value must be greater than or equal to the search value

Total members must be greater than or equal to 200

Less Than

The field value must be less than or equal to the search value

Total members must be less than or equal to 200


The date value must be before the indicated date

"Last updated on" must be before 1-1-2016, meaning all churches that did not have their membership information updated after 1-1-2016 will show in the results.


The date value must be on or after the indicated date

"Last updated on" must be on or after 1-1-2016, meaning all churches that had their membership information updated since 1-1-2016 will show in the results.

Default Search Operator

If you add a criterion in the search, Harvest will choose a default search operator based on the type of the field.

Type of Field

Default Search Operator

Text Field, Pop-up List


Numeric, Date


Flag, Drop Down List


Case Sensitivity

None of the operators are case sensitive. A search for 'blessing' or 'Blessing' or 'BLESSING' will always yield the exact same result.