This is a data entry form for contact persons. This page highlights the specifics for contact persons. There is also generic help on how to use data forms.
This screen allows you to view and/or edit the information about a contact person, such as a pastor:
At this screen you will find a 'Title' field, and different 'Roles' as well. In the example above they are the same, which may lead to confusion.
The Title field simply means how you would address this person in a letter. Do you say "Reverend John Doe", or "Pastor John Doe", or "Prof. Dr. John Doe"? Or simply "Mr. John Doe"?
The Role field (in the table below) is the role that a person has within a church, organization or denomination. This can be anything from (Youth) Pastor, Secretary, Board Member, etcetera.
So while a person only has one title (mr, ms, dr, rev, etc) they can have many different roles (pastor, secretary, board member).
The following tabs are available on this page: